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Cambio: Olaia /São Paulo, 2013-2015
Cambio: Olaia /São Paulo present Olaia's imigrant view about São Paulo, where she lived for three months. Olaia is a spanish translater that comes from basc contry. The producction starts throught meeting and filming Olaia and her experience as a imigrant. One year later I transcribed her testimony (with my mixed spanish brazilian language) and I created a text. The corrections Olaia made by hand where incorporated at the final work. Cambio: Olaia/São Paulo was showed at Undermuseu, Buenos Aires, in 2015 and at the Sant Andreu Contemporani, Barcelona 2017 in the exhibition "L'efecte Vora" curated by Anna Dot.
Julia Salgueiro/
Ju Salgueiro
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