1. Choose only one picture from the encyclopedia.
2. Cut out the page, the way you prefer.
3. Wait for me to paint it black.

In memory, 2016
In "In memory" I created a play where the public could choose an image/ a page from encyclopedia of art and I painted it black. The encyclopedia, found on the street, where the starting point and the inspiration for the action. The chosen image is a bond, a relationship set by de act of choosing. When I paint the page in black, and add an opaque layer, the meeting between art history and the public becomes just memory. The residue of the experience is a document. A page with all information painted in black. "In memory" just exist in the memory of the participant, who receives the document as a souvenir. The action took place on December 19th 2015 during the Impossible Festival in Barcelona. After the act finnished, I retourned the encyclopedia to the street of Barcelona.